Happy partner Gao Hua tutoring, learning Chinese happily is that simple!

For busy parents, learning Chinese is not easy. Happy partner Gao Hua tutoring is feasible and even fun. Children have an interesting way to change their life goals and priorities, and I am determined to help them relearn Mandarin. If you have a similar situation, I hope this article can reassure you that learning Chinese with your children will never be too late.
Even if you are like us – the only family near us who speaks Chinese, you can still learn how to listen, speak, read, and write Chinese.
I first wrote this blog about three years ago, and since then, Chinese resources have been continuously increasing and improving. I have updated this guide with time tested content and new tools we are currently using. (If you want to learn more about Chinese learning, click here!)
My experience as a busy working parent learning Chinese
In about two years, I have been able to hardly speak complete sentences. After attending the Happy Partner Gao Hua tutoring, I am now able to have most conversations with children in Mandarin.
When my daughter was two years old, we started learning to speak Chinese together. Soon after, she surpassed me, so I forced myself to learn to read.
She once again surprised me and became a greedy reader of Chinese chapter books! Meanwhile, my second child is learning at their own pace. Although English is our family and community language, the three of us speak Chinese as our primary language of communication at home.
It’s important to know that my initial expectations were very low. With patience and consistency, the momentum gradually emerged. My English is still not very fluent, and I always feel humble because there is too much to learn. Fortunately, I have a happy partner, Gao Hua, for tutoring!
Since the first publication of this article a few years ago, many of my readers have shared more impressive success stories. There will always be people who have more time and talent to learn, travel, and receive more help. While celebrating their success, I remind myself not to compare. I am learning at my own pace.

Happy Partner Gao Hua for tutoring

I am pleased to share effective methods for our situation and hope they can be helpful!
Happy partner Gao Hua starts from scratch and relearns Chinese
Although technically speaking Chinese is my mother tongue, I have never retained it.
During my upbringing, my parents spoke English, Mandarin, and Chinese dialects with accents. My father often mixes Shanghainese and Cantonese, while my mother misses her native Changsha dialect.
When I entered kindergarten, I only spoke to my parents in English. As the only Chinese family in my elementary school, speaking English – and only English – feels necessary to integrate into this community.
After my parents passed away in my twenties, I no longer needed to use Chinese in my personal life. My husband doesn’t speak Chinese. My Chinese relatives do not live in the United States, and I only use English in my work. I quickly forgot everything except for a few words and strangely, how to copy the order of Chinese strokes.
In order to become better, you must speak! One word at a time – every word is important!
As the only parent who can speak Chinese, I basically teach my child while practicing. Even if you are thinking, “I don’t know so many Chinese words,” each word is still valuable to share with your child.
If you also want to learn more information and skills about learning Chinese, then come to Happy Partner Gao Hua for tutoring!

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