Toddler Mandarin practice

Toddler Mandarin practice is a very important thing. A 5-year-old baby, substandard pronunciation test, belongs to moderate to severe dysarthria, a sentence is more than half, except for the mother can understand, outsiders do not know what the baby is saying.

The sound measurement report showed that the posterior voice of the tip of the tongue was 75% wrong, the tip of the tongue was 60% wrong, the tongue surface was 52% wrong, and the tip of the tongue was 33% wrong.

The errors that can occur with functional dysarthria are almost complete. In addition, the baby’s oral function test is also substandard. Functional dysarthria, also known as developmental slurred speech or developmental dysphonia, is more common in preschool children.

These babies have no problems on the surface, active and lively, smart and cute, and there is no damage to various articulation organs in the mouth, but the pronunciation is inaccurate, the speech is not clear, and this kind of voice problems will be left to the future, and can not correct themselves.

This shows that many children’s Mandarin practice is still very lacking. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, promote the implementation of the “Children’s Language Homophony” plan, cultivate preschool children with basic Putonghua communication skills, and form Putonghua thinking habits, which will lay a good language foundation for them to enter the compulsory education stage.

Language is the carrier of cultural inheritance and the foundation of national prosperity and development, and the Party and the state attach great importance to the popularization of the national standard language and the education of preschool children in Putonghua.

toddler Mandarin practice

In 2020, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Doing a Good Job in the Key Work in the Field of “Three Rural Areas” to Ensure the Realization of All-round Moderate Prosperity on Schedule clearly required that “vigorously improve the ability of rural teachers in the central and western regions to use the standard spoken and written national language, and strengthen the Putonghua education of preschool children in poverty-stricken areas”.

The reporter learned that in June 2020, the Department of Language and Writing Application Management of the Ministry of Education carried out online demonstration training for Putonghua “seed” teachers in kindergartens deeply impoverished areas, and conducted special demonstration training on Putonghua teaching ability for 700 key kindergarten teachers, so that they have the teaching ability to undertake follow-up rotation training tasks.

After years of efforts, positive progress has been made in the toddler Mandarin practice and education of young children in ethnic minority areas and rural areas, and the construction of the teaching team has been continuously strengthened.

For example, in terms of teacher training, Qinghai Province has carried out special training for kindergarten teachers who do not meet the Putonghua standards in the province, and by the end of 2020, the number of kindergarten teachers who did not meet the Putonghua standards in the province has been greatly reduced.

In addition, some localities lack kindergarten teachers, so teachers with weak teaching ability in the national standard language of primary schools are transferred to kindergarten teaching, or temporarily hired kindergarten teachers through government procurement of services, labor dispatch, etc., and some of them have not yet reached the standard of Putonghua.

The relevant person in charge of the Language and Text Application Management Department of the Ministry of Education stated that in order to build a team of kindergarten teachers with Mandarin education and teaching abilities in ethnic and rural areas, it will play a demonstration and driving role in promoting Mandarin teaching in kindergartens.

The Ministry of Education, with the support of the central special lottery public welfare fund of the Ministry of Finance, has implemented the “Children’s Language Homophonic” program – the Mandarin education project for young children. The Ministry of Education plans to carry out national language and writing application training for kindergarten teachers in ethnic and rural areas in stages and batches during the 14th Five Year Plan period, gradually covering all rural kindergartens in relevant provinces.

The relevant person in charge of the Language and Text Application Management Department of the Ministry of Education stated that it is necessary to create a rich Mandarin education environment and focus on developing the oral expression ability of preschool children through environmental infiltration.

Encourage young children to communicate in Mandarin through opportunities in daily life and games; Organize colorful activities to encourage young children to listen, speak, want to speak, dare to speak, and have the opportunity to speak Mandarin.

At the level of collaborative promotion, it is also necessary to actively play the leading role of universities.

Utilizing its own disciplinary and talent advantages, we will carry out the “Ten Million” project during the “14th Five Year Plan” period, organize hundreds of kindergartens in the eastern and central western regions, 1000 kindergarten teachers, and 10000 families of young children to pair up and assist, and promote Mandarin education for preschool children in ethnic and rural areas in the central and western regions.

At the same time, attention should be paid to leveraging the intellectual advantages of relevant universities through on-site visits and research, tool evaluations, behavior observation, action research, principal teacher parent forums, online teacher salons, remote discussions, and other methods.

Deepen the toddler Mandarin practice, analyze the current situation and existing problems of Mandarin education for young children in ethnic areas, carry out scientific research on the promotion of Mandarin education for young children in ethnic areas, and provide theoretical support for practical work.