Singaporean children’s Chinese oral expression ability

The ability of Singaporean children’s Chinese oral expression ability is an aspect that parents should focus on cultivating. Having good language expression skills can benefit children for a lifetime. Although language plays a significant role in interpersonal relationships, not everyone possesses good language expression skills.

Language is a tool that can be proficiently used through acquired training. Learning to speak and speak is one of the key skills for children’s future career success. The training of language expression ability can be advanced to the early childhood education period and started in family education, rather than relying solely on written teaching from teachers.

Language education includes four aspects: listening, expression, early reading, and pre writing preparation.

It creates a free and relaxed language communication environment for young children, develops their language understanding and expression abilities, cultivates their interest in reading and writing, and helps them become familiar with, understand, and learn Mandarin.

Singaporean children's Chinese oral expression ability

Early childhood is the optimal period for children’s oral language development. Language education not only plays an important role in children’s lifelong oral expression ability, but also has a positive impact on their cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Parents can help their children improve their expression skills in the following ways:
Try to find topics that your child is interested in to discuss with them, and do not deviate from their cognitive range so that they can “speak” out.

It is rumored that there was once a working elementary school teacher who, during his fifth grade essay class, asked his classmates to write the topic ‘If I were the Manager’, but none of the children’s writings were satisfactory.

Firstly, children have no emotional understanding of the role of “manager”, which is like asking someone who has not seen a horse to draw a horse.

From this, it can be seen that in order for children to learn oral expression, it is necessary to stimulate their enthusiasm, make them feel that they have something to say, and fully activate their thinking, because language always follows the movement of thinking.

This website often reports on which left behind children have autism, largely due to the lack of communication with their parents. Many parents do not know that the foundation of their children’s language learning is imitation, which is the so-called “learning by example”.

Therefore, parents should first talk to their children more and familiarize them with the language in order to maintain a high level of sensitivity to language. This is the most basic step in exercising children’s oral expression ability. Everyone has heard a lot about the story of the wolf child, and it is also true that the environment affects a person’s growth.

Singaporean children's Chinese oral expression ability

The ability of Singaporean children’s Chinese oral expression ability is developed through practice. To cultivate children’s oral skills, it is necessary to encourage them to speak and practice more.

The term ‘practice more’ here mainly refers to giving children more opportunities to tell their own experiences, including retelling stories they have heard, telling book content, creating stories, and talking to others in daily life.

Children should be encouraged to creatively organize language based on their own understanding and mastery of vocabulary and grammar. The current practice of parent-child reading in many kindergartens is also based on this starting point. We always tell stories to our children, and we should also listen to them reading stories to us.

This is very important. When a child comes up with an understanding of something, regardless of whether the child’s ideas are correct or not, parents should not rush to judge and correct the outcome.

Being too hasty can easily dampen a child’s motivation, as it is the child expressing their own will. It is important for them to “speak up” and not care if they are “right” or not. Afterwards, find appropriate opportunities to guide and correct.

The improvement of Singaporean children’s Chinese oral expression ability is a cumulative result.