Looking for Chinese learning partners, we will travel together

In what learning environment will learning be more efficient? For me, it’s looking for Chinese learning partners. For those who have a personality that makes it difficult to maintain their concentration and motivation when learning, it is highly recommended to study with a learning partner.

Some people may think that studying together is even more impossible to concentrate on? It may be like this, but in fact, just grasping the tricks can have a very good effect.

If you are a social person, you can think back to your student days. Of course, there are also some learning partners or competitors around me, and the process of learning with them will also stimulate my enthusiasm for learning.

Nowadays, students are busy with their own studies (most of which are arranged by their parents to attend different training classes after school, or have parents waiting at the school gate early to take them home…), and there are almost no classmates or partners who can learn together, and there are also no people who can encourage each other.

Chinese learning partners

That is to say, even if students nowadays want to learn with someone, the previously common “co learning” environment is rarely present, and now students have evolved to a height where they are not accustomed to “co learning” with others.

Because when learning alone, the guilt of not wanting to learn, the regret of losing to competitors, the joy of achieving goals, and so on, the opportunities to perceive these will sharply decrease.

As a result, it is easy to be lazy, tempted by games, social interactions, and other factors, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a desire for learning.

Partner effect refers to the effect of being in a group with high awareness and ability, and effectively enhancing possibilities while learning from each other.

When the effect of improving grades by studying alone is not significant, this multiplication effect can be utilized.

However, if the level of a partner is too high, it can actually cause a negative mentality of “inability to compete”, so the effectiveness of a partner can be influenced by the level of the learning partner or competitor.

That is to say, it is better to choose learning partners who have similar academic abilities to oneself. However, if it is purely for the purpose of “learning”, sometimes it doesn’t matter what level of academic ability the learning partner has.

In short, trying to learn with people who are focused and enthusiastic about learning will better stimulate their enthusiasm for learning.

Chinese learning partners

If Chinese learning partners have the same goals as themselves and the learning content is also the same, then the effect of “competitive learning” will be evident. The learning content of memorization is much less fulfilling than solving problems, but blindly memorizing can also make people feel “painful”.

And the pressure before exams, the fear of forgetting, and so on. At this point, if there are partners who can “fight” together, it is easy to gain a sense of peace of mind. The most important thing that cannot be lacking in “competitive learning” is the sense of responsibility towards others.

That is to say, studying together and using this method together will not affect the other party’s grades, and this responsibility is shared by all partners.

Sometimes, for the sake of one’s own learning, it is easy to slack off without a strong willpower, but if it is for the sake of friends and others, one will unexpectedly work hard.

There are many benefits to competitive learning, such as the shared sense of achievement at the end of learning, the happiness and pride of being helpful to others, and so on.

It is said that 70% of students who can be admitted to first-class universities usually study either in the living room or in the restaurant (based on research), rather than in their own rooms.

Why study in these places? It’s very simple.

One is that there are not too many things around that can tempt oneself like in one’s own room, clean and refreshing, and one can focus solely on learning.

The second is that unlike in one’s own room where no one sees and does whatever one wants, it is easy to be distracted.

In the so-called “public places” of the living room and dining room, there is the “shadow” of family members, just like someone watching and supervising one’s learning at any time. Consciously, it will keep oneself in a more focused learning state at all times.

Find Chinese learning partners to learn together, and among the classmates and friends around you, find some who are willing to learn together. If you can’t find it, you can also use the network.

I know there is an online self-study room in Singapore, where everyone automatically joins an online class.

Another thing is “learning coffee”. Learning coffee is a special self-study space that can concentrate on learning, but it is also a relaxing learning space like Starbucks. You can have Dim sum, coffee and chat with others during the break.

Design that allows for a high degree of concentration during learning and also increases opportunities for communication and interaction with learning partners.