How to choose Chinese online home tutor?

Whether you’re taking a Mandarin course or teaching yourself Mandarin, you may feel the need for some extra help from a good Chinese online home tutor.

If you’re struggling to find the right Chinese mentor, you’re not alone. Of course, not everyone is suitable for this job. While there are thousands of people on the internet who claim to be “professional teachers,” only a fraction of them are truly worth your time and money.

Chinese online home tutor

I am primarily a self-learner and have been fortunate to work with some excellent online Mandarin teachers and have found the experience very positive and rewarding. In this post, I will show you how to choose a great Chinese tutor who is perfectly right for you and make the most of your tutoring sessions.

First, determine your target accent and choose a teacher who will speak the Mandarin version you want to speak. This is the most important consideration for you when looking for a Mandarin tutor online.

To understand all the subtleties of Mandarin, such as colloquial expressions, slang, and idioms, you need to look for native speakers, but pay attention to the differences between Chinese mainland, Taiwan, and Singapore.

While the type of Mandarin to learn may depend on your personal preferences, consider your future use of Mandarin. Do you need Mandarin skills to communicate with a specific community? Are you planning to move there one day?

All of these are good questions to ask yourself before choosing the right mentor. If you don’t have a preference, then I suggest you learn Mandarin from a tutor who grew up in China.

The Mandarin version is more widespread there – your chances of hearing Mandarin globally are much higher. For example, there are many Southeast Asians who do not invite Singaporean teachers, but insist on Chinese teachers because they feel that this is a more appropriate way to learn Mandarin.

A word of caution: Due to the myriad of dialects that exist throughout the country, only 7% of the population in China can speak standard Mandarin. The rest either speak less standard Mandarin with regional accents or not speak it at all.

Make sure your tutor speaks accentual, perfect Mandarin so you can have the perfect pronunciation to imitate. The second important factor in finding an online Chinese mentor is experience.

Just like learning any language, you want your Mandarin tutor to have the appropriate experience.

Chinese online home tutor

Not only in terms of Chinese, but also in the field of coaching. Keep an eye out for teachers who have only taught in the classroom – tutoring one student is a very different dynamic than tutoring the entire class. If they haven’t done anything else or taught as a tutor, they may not be very good at customizing content and interacting in a fun way.

Moreover, some professional Chinese teachers have quite firm and outdated concepts of Mandarin learning. This is especially a problem for teachers who have received a lot of formal training in China (which is one of the reasons “having a teaching degree or certificate” is not on my list – many good Chinese tutors don’t).

While experienced teachers can be a lifesaver when dealing with more technical language areas like grammar rules or vocabulary (they’ve done the same explanations hundreds of times), it may be worthwhile (and often cheaper) to consult with less experienced teachers, and tutors can give you more flexibility in planning your own lessons (especially if you’re an experienced learner) and adapting to your learning style.

Most likely, you already want your tutor to talk as much Chinese as possible in class. Nevertheless, you should choose a Chinese online home tutor who speaks fluent English or your native language (except Chinese) Chinese.

The reason is that when a tutor speaks a foreign language well, it shows that they understand how to learn a language. They may be able to combine their own learning experiences to provide you with advice and tips that other tutors cannot.

In addition, my personal experience tells me that if you are a beginner in Mandarin, you will learn best and most effectively under the guidance of a tutor who can explain concepts and grammatical content in English (or your native language).

One of the best ways to learn more about Mandarin tutors online is to read reviews from students who have previously taken classes withChinese online home tutor. Their honest experience will show you if the tutors are experienced and efficient, give you information about what to expect from their lessons, and may even warn you if things don’t go your way.

Keep in mind that the number of reviews may be more valuable. For example, a tutor with hundreds of four-star ratings may sometimes be better than a tutor with only two five-star ratings.

By reading many reviews, you will have a better understanding of the tutor and know if he or she is worth pursuing or if it is time to go elsewhere and continue your search.