Author: SinoAdmin

Pay attention to the importance of Singaporean children’s Chinese eloquence

Recently, the Ministry of Education has issued an article to further promote the cultivation of Singaporean children’s Chinese eloquence and expression skills! Nowadays, parents are increasingly paying attention to the cultivation of their children’s comprehensive qualities, whether it is their logical thinking training, language communication ability training, or aesthetic cultivation, covering all aspects. The cultivation […]

Creative Chinese Writing for Singaporean Children

Why do children still have “nothing to write” when they memorize model essays every day? This worrying problem is a major concern for both teachers and parents. In response, Singapore’s top teacher, Teacher Zhang, proposed creative Chinese writing for Singaporean children. In order to fundamentally stimulate students’ inner drive for writing, it is advisable to […]

Singaporean children’s Chinese oral expression ability

The ability of Singaporean children’s Chinese oral expression ability is an aspect that parents should focus on cultivating. Having good language expression skills can benefit children for a lifetime. Although language plays a significant role in interpersonal relationships, not everyone possesses good language expression skills. Language is a tool that can be proficiently used through […]

Singaporean Children’s Playful Chinese Teaching

Language learning is dull and uninteresting, especially for children in their growth and development stages. This requires adding fresh and active elements to language learning to attract children’s attention. Singaporean children’s playful Chinese teaching can increase their interest in learning. In the classroom, teachers are planners of communication training, directors of “Chinese language programs”, and […]


众所周知,现如今在低龄留学的大趋势下,越来越多的父母们为了孩子上新加坡幼儿中文幼儿园都早早做起了打算。   新加坡幼儿园共分三种类型:公立幼儿园、私立幼儿园、国际中文幼儿园。   公立&私立幼儿园   新加坡有两所大型公立幼儿园,PAP和MFS,幼儿园阶段可直接入读。幼儿园入学不需要参加考试,2至5岁的孩子可以直接申请,即使是家长不在新加坡工作也没有新加坡身份的小朋友也可以来新加坡读幼儿园。   相较于国际幼儿园和私立幼儿园一般学额充足,公立幼儿园学额比较紧缺,需要申请;3岁之后申请公立幼儿园,学生准证获批的可能性更大。   新加坡除了公立幼儿园,还有大批优秀的私立幼儿园,入学同样不需要参加考试,2至5岁的孩子可以直接申请。私立幼儿园教学质量同样能够得到保障,同时相较于公立幼儿园,学位更加充裕。   国际中文学校幼儿园   国际学校,从幼儿园到高中,各个学段都可以直接插班入读,只要学校有学额,符合年龄段的学生都可以办理入学(年纪过大的学生有语言要求,一般通过面试或者British council的语言测试)。   国际学校的学额,相对公立学校的“一位难求”,一般都比较充足。   在新加坡幼儿中文幼儿园就读,孩子接受英联邦教育体系下的全英文教育,但不放弃母语,特别是中文,是孩子们的必修课。   幼儿园入学零条件!   (1)3岁至5岁孩子可直接申请新加坡幼儿园。   (2)无需政府入学考试,无英文要求,直接入学,享受和新加坡学生同等的待遇。   陪读政策   新加坡是世界上为数不多的允许低龄留学和陪读的国家(特别是母亲陪读政策),年龄在6周岁至16周岁的孩子,母亲或直系女性亲属都可以申请前往陪读:   (1)新加坡允许陪读,但条件为必须是16岁以下孩子的母系亲属; (2)新加坡允许陪读母亲工作,陪读母亲在学生入学一年后,就可以向新加坡劳工部申请特殊的工作准许证,在该国就业。   Tips:新加坡政府非常重视父母对孩子教育的参与和沟通,许多教学活动需要父母与孩子互动,因此,对持陪读签证的母亲(奶奶)来说,在新加坡的第一年是不允许打工的。申请前,父母必须做的事是尽量选择离自己家近的幼儿园。虽然新加坡不大,否则就算有校车,要跨越一个坡岛去幼儿园,对宝宝和家长来说都是一种折磨。 很多新加坡幼儿中文幼儿园都提供中文和英文的双语教学,也有全英文或全中文的。一些私立幼儿园或国际幼儿园还提供如德语、日语等其他语言的教育。如果父母都要工作,幼儿园的上课时间就很重要。有半日制也有全日制的幼儿园,有些还提供晚间托管服务。

The Current Situation and Suggestions of Chinese Developmental Language Disorders in Young Children

This article will elaborate on current situation and suggestions of Chinese developmental language disorders in young children. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2021, the current population of children aged 0-14 in China exceeds 250 million. The development of language ability is a lifelong task for humans, and the critical […]

Strengthening the development of Mandarin among Singaporean school-age children

With the continuous development of society, strengthening the development of Mandarin among Singaporean school-age children is a necessary path. Language is a cognitive system that endows sound, text, gestures, and other symbolic meanings. In the overall system of language, it also includes oral language for listening and speaking, written language for reading and writing, as […]

Basic Chinese Reading and Writing Strategies for Singaporean Children

Consciously cultivate basic Chinese reading and writing strategies for Singaporean children. Pre school children are still only beginners, and even if they have learned some words and are able to read independently, their understanding of the reading content is still very limited. To become a fluent reader, parents also need to consciously help children develop […]

Training of Chinese Reading Ability for Singaporean Children

Chinese reading ability for Singaporean children is not innate, but only by becoming independent readers can children truly possess basic reading abilities. The formation of this ability largely depends on the degree to which parents attach importance to children’s reading and their ability to accompany and guide children in reading. Brain development: The development of […]